01 Feb, 2019

“Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Computer Vision” by ISI

01 Feb, 2019

Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Computer Vision

Teachers: Andrè Panisson, Alan Perotti — ISI Foundation

This in-depth part of the course allows to build an appealing and diversified Machine Learning portfolio. It starts with a Machine Learning introduction and application with Scikit-learn, and continues with Neural Networks and backpropagation lectures where you’ll start exploring Computer Vision techniques on a dataset of images.

Deep Learning methods. You’ll be challenged to use TensorFlow and Keras on a image classification real cases. The workshop ends with lessons in Transfer Learning and one last project building your data set by scraping Google images and practicing everything you learned.

Prerequisites: Python, Pandas, Statistics, exposure to Machine Learning is welcome.

#machinelearning #deeplearning #neuralnetworks #scikitlearn #tensorflow
