09 May, 2019

“Space for Sustainable Development” by ESA

09 May, 2019

Space for Sustainable Development Speaker: Pierre-Philippe Mathieu —  ESA The view from space has forever changed our vision on our home planet, revealing its beauty while pointing at the same time to its inherent fragility. This new perspective from above contributed to the emergence of the concept of Sustainable...

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08 Feb, 2019

“Brainstorming on what Artificial Intelligence is and how to master it” by Vastalla

08 Feb, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere: brainstorming on what AI is and how to master it Speaker: Stefano T. Chiadò —  Vastalla Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. Almost every startup doing financing rounds claims to be built on strong AI foundations. But is it really so? Do we all agree on what...

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07 Feb, 2019

“Data Visualization with D3.js” by TODO

Data Visualization with D3.js by TODO
07 Feb, 2019

Data Visualization with D3.js Teacher: Fabio Franchino — TODO Immersive lecture on the key elements and concepts behind data visualization. The workshop is an immersive tutorial about how to use the JavaScript open source library D3.js to represent data and to create customized and animated diagrams and charts. Prerequisites:...

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05 Feb, 2019

“Crash course in Python and data science libraries” by TOP-IX

Crash course in Python and data science libraries by TOP-IX
05 Feb, 2019

Crash course in Python and data science libraries Teacher: Stefania Delprete — TOP-IX Interactive lessons using Jupyter Notebooks on Python and its most used libraries for data science: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and an initial Scikit-learn exposure. Plus you’ll get clear on what’s inside the Anaconda and SciPy ecosystems. This...

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04 Feb, 2019

“Spatial is special: geo technologies and data” by FBK

map FBK
04 Feb, 2019

From local to global using community data Teacher: Maurizio Napolitano — Fondazione Bruno Kessler The workshop is an introduction to the geospatial technologies and everything needed to create maps and analyze geographical data. As data sources will be used several open data sources including OpenStreetMap. Prerequisites: Python and a...

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04 Feb, 2019

“Data Analysis with Spark Streaming” by Agile Lab

Data Analysis with Spark Streaming by Agile Lab
04 Feb, 2019

Data Analysis with Spark Streaming Teacher: Nicolò Bidotti — AgileLab Big Data analysis is a hot trend and one of its major roles is to give new value to enterprise data. However data and information lose value as they become old, so it is important in a lot of...

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03 Feb, 2019

“Understanding NLP universe and the I-REACT project” by CELI

03 Feb, 2019

Understanding NLP universe and the I-REACT project Teacher: Francesco Tarasconi — CELI NLP lecture on the relations between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the mission of understanding natural language. Unstructured data as a potential asset, but also as a great challenge. Success in reaching state-of-the-art performance does not automatically...

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03 Feb, 2019

“AWS for data – from development to production” by ThoughtWorks

03 Feb, 2019

AWS for data – from development to production Teacher: Alex Comunian — ThoughtWorks The aim of the module is to provide a brief introduction on Amazon Web Services concerning Data management. The teacher will provide an overview on the main and most useful services provided by AWS for collecting,...

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03 Feb, 2019

“Real Time Ingestion and Analysis of data with MongoDB and Python” by AXANT

03 Feb, 2019

Real Time Ingestion and Analysis of data with MongoDB and Python Teacher: Alessandro Molina — AXANT Nowadays more and more data is generated by companies and software products, especially in the IoT world records are saved with a throughput of thousands per second. That requires solutions able to scale writes...

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02 Feb, 2019

“Unburdening the analysis of Earth Observation images” by WASDI

02 Feb, 2019

WASDI: unburdening the analysis of Earth Observation images Teachers: Cristiano Nattero, Paolo Campanella — WASDI Satellite Earth-Observation images are large files and complex objects: downloading them requires a delay, analyzing them takes a toll on processing capabilities, and the upload of the results can also introduce an additional lag....

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